Hey everyone,
We’re back with our second paid DLC for Dead Cells and we’re super proud of what we’ve pulled together! I wanted to talk a little bit about why we’ve chosen to continue with our “outdoorsy” theme and what you can expect to come up against in our latest installment.
Back when we started work on our first paid DLC The Bad Seed we sat around the whiteboard and thought about what was missing from Dead Cells. Someone said something flippant like “fresh air” and we went from there.

Both that first DLC and Fatal Falls are designed to bring a bit of fresh air into the world that was previously mostly contained to claustrophobic dungeon-like levels. We’ve brought in more color, more verticality and more danger of falling to your death.
Fatal Falls in particular focuses a lot on managing your positioning when you’re moving through the levels. Should you really go and fight that huge statue monster where there are a bunch of kamikaze birds threatening to push you off the platform? Should you rush in to a complicated fight without a clear escape path free of traps? These are the questions that we hope you’ll be asking yourself as you play through the new content.

Right now you can take on two new levels and a boss:
- Fractured Shrines: Features floating platforms, spear-chucking snakemen, and giant statues that have forgotten they’re statues.
- Forgotten Shores: Necromantic sorcerers bringing failed experiments back to like… Impromptu games of tennis under the pouring rain… And of course the constant risk of falling off the cliff.
- The Scarecrow: Formerly known as the Royal Gardener. He’s very protective of his flowers… It’d be a real shame is someone were to… Step on them…
As you can see not only did we stay outdoors but we’ve tried to stay in line with our nature/water themes. There’s some hidden logic to this, which hopefully will become clear as we continue to update the game.

At the end of the day it’s also just an excuse for our artists to use a bunch of brighter colors that can be hard to use in underground levels, so that’s also a lot of fun for them.
Feel free to come by our official Xbox Club, Discord server, or social media channel and ask any questions you might have about what we’re up to.
We hope you enjoy the DLC and the new little animated trailer we’ve released, as usual this will keep us chugging away on all of the free updates that we’ve got planned for the game.
Thanks for your support and have a good one!

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