It’s no secret that there are plenty of people who aren’t happy about the first-person perspective for Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red knows about it, and is looking into solutions to help people overcome their dislike for the first-person view. That being said, the developer isn’t changing it. First-person is here to stay.
In an interview with DualShockers, CD Projekt Red quest designer Patrick Mills said the team is remaining firm in their decision. Mills added that CD Projekt Red is working on implementing features to help the „small number of people who can’t play first-person for a variety of reasons.“
CD Projekt Red’s decision to keep the game first-person comes as no surprise. The developer has regularly discussed the freedom players will have in the upcoming RPG and how the perspective works with that freedom to create a more immersive experience.
The first public showcase of Cyberpunk 2077’s gameplay is a 48-minute demo that covers how character mods and ability upgrades work, what it’s like to explore the game’s world, and what high-level combat abilities and boss battles look like. Outside of the demo, CD Projekt Red has been keeping most details about Cyberpunk 2077 close to the chest. The developer hasn’t even hinted at when the release date might be.
Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled to launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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