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Celebrating the Life and Work of Avicii with an Encore for Mental Health Support

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Reading Time: 4 minutes


  • September 8 marks the release of Avicii Invector: Encore Edition and the birthday of EDM superstar Tim ‘Avicii’ Bergling.
  • A percentage of Encore Edition sales will continue to be donated to The Tim Bergling Foundation and Safe in our World to provide mental health awareness and support to those in need.
  • Tim ‘Avicii’ Bergling was personally hands deep in the project at our studio and would get directly involved in studio sessions for deep levels of feedback.

When we were last here, we were gearing up for the December 10 release of Avicii Invector for Xbox One. We had travelled the world with our game to introduce the works of Avicii Invector to his fans and newcomers alike.

There was (and still is) no greater satisfaction than watching people play the game for the first time and even seeing those who thought they were new to the music of Avicii coming across several tracks which they knew!

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Throughout these shows and even after launch, we were asked if specific tracks would be included and at the time, this wasn’t a consideration – our goal was to finish the work Tim ‘Avicii’ Bergling had originally started with us way back in 2015, which we accomplished.

A big positive which came out of the release was the ability to work with Tim’s family on supporting The Tim Bergling Foundation, set up by Tim’s dad in honour of his son, a charity which focuses on recognizing suicide as a mental health emergency, as well as funding support for those suffering with their mental health. 25% of all proceeds from Avicii Invector is continuing the be donated to the Tim Bergling Foundation and is already doing a lot to help and fund this fantastic cause.

Avicii Invector: Encore Edition

With all of the above taken into account – requests for specific tracks and the incredible ongoing support towards the Tim Bergling Foundation – we are releasing two DLC track packs for Avicii InvectorAvicii Invector – Magma Track Pack and Avicii Invector – TIM Track Pack, which will raise the total number of tracks from 25 to 35, with the Magma Track Pack coming with a brand new Magma themed world. If you’re getting into the game for the first time, you can also get the original game plus DLC as part of Avicii Invector Encore Edition.  

Tim Track Pack

  1. Sunshine
  2. Addicted to You
  3. My Feelings for You
  4. Seek Bromance
  5. Trouble

Magma Track Pack

  1. SOS
  2. Peace of Mind
  3. Freak
  4. Heart Upon My Sleeve
  5. Bad Reputation

Our time working on Avicii Invector was truly something to remember, mainly due to the fact with how deeply Tim was involved in the total development process – usually you would expect a management team to tick boxes and sign things off, but Tim would regularly come to the studio and spend an incredible amount of time getting deep into the nitty gritty of development, from difficulty, how beats land, reaction and response and even visual representation within the worlds and which tracks could fit with a particular aesthetic.

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Avicii Invector: Encore Edition

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One time, after a long session of dev work, he took some time out to break the tension of the day, showed us some new songs he was working on – he also knew that I was very much into Taekwondo, so we spent some time settling down and breaking out Taekwondo stretches together, right there in the middle of the dev session. When you work with Tim, no project seemed like work, he always brought an undiluted sense of fun and wonder to the room, he was a big gamer, especially growing up and he was always chasing down the perfect sparks to capture into a bottle and inject it into the game.

September 8 isn’t only the launch of Avicii Invector DLC, it is also the birthday of Tim – we want to honour the life of our friend and partner and give his family of fans another way to celebrate his legacy as we continue to strive to part the dark clouds surrounding the stigma of mental health and help those in need – and we thank YOU for all of your support.

Avicii Invector: Encore Edition

To Tim – Happy Birthday. We miss you and we love you.

Upcoming Metal: Hellsinger is a Hardcore Rhythm FPS
Avicii Invector – Working with a Legend

Website: LINK

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Written by blogdottv

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