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Build a comment-critiquing keyboard adapter using TensorFlow Lite and Arduino

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Build a comment-critiquing keyboard adapter using TensorFlow Lite and Arduino

Arduino TeamJuly 7th, 2020

If you’ve ever left an online comment that you later regretted, this anti-troll bot will keep that from happening again by letting you know when you’re being a bit too harsh.

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The device — which was created by Andy of element14 Presents — intercepts raw keyboard inputs using a MKR Zero board and analyzes them using a TensorFlow Lite machine learning algorithm.

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As an output, the Arduino controls the mouth of a rather hilarious human cutout via a servo motor, which as seen in the video below, also features a wisp of black hair and oversized googly eyes. If you’re typing happy thoughts, its mouth turns up into a smile, while mean words produce a frowny face.

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The project is a great example of running ML code on limited hardware, and more info on the sentiment-analyzing keyboard adapter can be found here.

Website: LINK

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What do you think?

Written by Quad Oner


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