Cameron Haight is unstoppable at helping other kids get the prosthetics they need.
The five-year-old boy from North Carolina, US, has been making waves online for helping to 3D print prosthetic hands for himself and other kids.
Cameron was born with amniotic band syndrome which has resulted in his digits being fused together in the womb. The syndrome is often difficult to detect pre-birth. It can require multiple surgeries post birth. That was the case for Cameron. However, after 15 surgeries, his right hand still lacked dexterity.
That’s when him and his mother, Sarah, turned to 3D prosthetics. Thanks to e-NABLE the 3D printing prosthetics charity, printing the hand took just 48 hours. The prosthetics are also a lot cheaper than professional models at just $25. Upon fitting the 3D printed hand, Cameron has been able to enjoy many of the activities he was previously unable to take part in, including riding a bike or playing with toys.
Now, he is helping other children to enjoy the same benefits of a 3D printed hand.
Since they’ve first started making the 3D printed hands a year ago, him, and Sarah have created 44 devices for kids. These include limbs, but also special utensils and pencils.
More recently, Cameron has developed the ‘Imagine Tool 5000’ which helps kids without fingers to hold nerf guns, mobile devices, and various kitchen utensils.
The Imagine Tool 5000. (Image: Caters News Agency)
Youngest Participant to Help 3D Print Prosthetics
According to Sarah, Cameron is quite the natural at 3D printing.
“He’s only four years old, but he’s gotten really good at it,” she told the Daily Mail newspaper. “He goes on the printer, finds the files, sizes, scales, and prints them, then we assemble them – it’s really fun to watch him in action!”
Having gotten the hang of it, a 3D printed prosthetic hand now takes the team between six and 12 hours. The boy is also actively participating in showing other children how to use their new prosthetics.
Jen Owen, one of the volunteers at e-NABLE, said that Cameron was among the youngest volunteers to help print prosthetics.
“When they are done assembling it, they have not just made a fun project that will sit on the shelf or in the toy box, but something that can actually help another person who might need some assistance with activities that are easier to do with two hands that grip.”
Cameron assembling a prosthetic hand. (Image: Caters News Agency)
Source: Daily Mail
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