Following her announcement during BlizzCon’s opening ceremony, Blizzard subsequently shared more about new Overwatch hero Moira during the game’s dedicated panel. As part of that, we got a look at her first alternate skins, as well as early concept art from when she was still in development.
During the panel, Blizzard explained that Moira is a scientist, like many other characters in the Overwatch universe. However, she’s different from those in that she doesn’t, for instance, have aspirations to conquer the world; she’s simply interested in science itself. While that makes her sound nice enough, she has no patience for those who would get in the way of her scientific advancements. Blizzard developers also shared that they wanted her to have a deep connection to existing characters, hence the backstory outlined in both her reveal and origin videos.

As seen in the gallery above, an early concept for Moira gave her tentacles. However, that would come with the expectation that the tentacles would factor into her abilities, which is not the case. She went through a variety of different forms before Blizzard finally settled on her current, shadowy look. It emphasizes her somewhat unusual-looking hands that she uses to heal teammates.
Additionally, Blizzard unveiled concept art for the first two Moira skins. You can see both of these in the gallery above; they include the cool-looking Oasis, as well as Glam, which seem to be a nod to David Bowie.
Blizzard had a lot to share about Overwatch today. In addition to revealing Moira, we also got a look at the next Overwatch map, BlizzardWorld. It’s a theme park based on the developer’s other games, with areas themed around StarCraft, Warcraft, and Diablo. On a similar note, we’ve also seen new Overwatch skins themed around Blizzard games; Widowmaker, for instance, is getting a new skin that makes her look just like StarCraft’s Nova.
Also during BlizzCon, we learned about WoW’s new expansion, StarCraft II going free-to-play, the new Hearthstone expansion, and new Heroes of the Storm characters. For more, check out our roundup of all the new BlizzCon 2017 news.
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