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Battlefield 4 on Xbox One will use Kinect to leaning around corners and yelling commands

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In case you’re still undecided about which version of Battlefield 4 buy. This could be an extra point (or not) for the Xbox One one. It seems that with Kinect you can lean around corners and covers just moving your head. In addition, the voice commands will be available to request help from a medic when shouting „Medic!“, get ammo and so on.


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According to Polygon:

The Xbox One version of Battlefield 4 will make use of Kinect features such as head-tracking for leaning and peeking and voice commands.

At a recent Xbox One showcase, EA demonstrated the Kinect’s head-tracking capabilities in conjunction with Battlefield 4. When the Kinect located where the player was seated, it tracked the player’s head movements, which translated in the player’s character being able to lean and peek around corners in the game.

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Despite the subtlety of the lean and peek functionality, it makes a big difference to the gaming experience because, where players previously had to strafe out into the open and put themselves in harm’s way, they can now lean and peek, which only exposes half of their character’s body. Previous titles in the series like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 did not allow characters to lean.

In addition, the Kinect integration with Battlefield 4 supports voice commands — a function that has existed in previous games in the Battlefield series. Players will be able to use voice commands to call for a medic, to request ammo, to cancel requests for ammo, to let their team know they need a ride and for thanking people who have helped them.

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Written by blogdottv