Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, members of the Xbox One Preview Beta Ring will begin receiving the latest 1910 Xbox One system update (Build: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_1910\18363.7102.190815-1945).
This update lays the groundwork for what’s to come in 1910, so while you’ll find fixes and known issues listed below, please keep an eye out for feature announcements as they’re ready to be previewed. Thanks, as always, for your passion for helping make Xbox One system updates the best they can be prior to release to GA!
- OS version released: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_1910\18363.7102.190815-1945
- Available: 2:00 PM 8/22/19
- Mandatory Date/Time: 3:00 AM 8/23/19
Movies & TV
- Fixed an issue where when resuming content there would be no audio and the video playback would be slightly faster.
Game Pass
- Fixed an issue where the Game Pass Welcome page would fail to load content.
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to play an audio CD via the “Play Disc” icon in the Guide when the disc is inserted.
- UI fixes for the Network Transfer page.
- Game titles should now appear when viewing active streams on Mixer tab.
My Games & Apps
- Fixed and issue where using Pause All/Cancel All in the Updates section with multiple items in queue would not work as expected.
- Fixes to update the reliability of checking for game updates.
- Various updates to properly reflect local languages across the console.
Known Issues:
- Users who have Dolby Atmos enabled and console display settings set to 120hz with 36 bits per pixel (12-bit) are experiencing loss of Dolby Atmos audio in some situations.
- Workaround: Disable 120hz or set Video Fidelity to 30 bits per pixel (10-bit) or lower.
- Some users using default audio settings with an audio setup that supports a maximum of 2 channels and Dolby Digital and NO headset connected will experience audio distortion when they start their console.
- Workaround: Navigate to Settings>Display & sound>Audio output and set the HDMI audio to Stereo Uncompressed.
- Some users have reported that they are unable to power on their console via a controller.
- Note: If you encounter this behavior, please make sure to include the firmware version of the controller in your feedback description. This can be accessed by navigating to Settings>Devices & streaming>Accessories using the controller experiencing the behavior and select the ellipsis from the Controller menu.
Game DVR
- Some users are reporting that they are unable to share Game DVR content (video clips and screenshots) via Messages and on the Community tab of the dashboard.
- Some users have reported that when the content does not load when they attempt to open a new Message or Notification/Alert that appears on the dashboard or in the Guide.
- Note: If you encounter this issue, be sure to indicate whether it was a Message or a Notification/Alert that was not loading content in your feedback description.
- Customers attempting to change their GT using the new Gamertag features on the console will not yet see those changes reflected on the console.
- Users are unable to use a headset to issue Cortana commands on the console.
- Note: This is by design as the feature team continues to evolve voice commands on the console. For more information, please refer to the blog post on the Xbox Insider Blog here.
Profile Color
- Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire
August 19th : New Preview Alpha Ring 1910 Update (1910.190815-1945)
August 19th : New Preview Alpha Skip Ahead Ring 1910 Update (1910.190815-1945)
August 16th : New Preview Alpha Ring 1910 Update (1910.190814-1910)

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