Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a tactical adventure game launching December 4 on Xbox One. What’s “tactical adventure,” you ask? Imagine a game combining the tactical, turn-based combat of XCOM with real-time stealth and exploration of a detailed, post-human world.
Here you play as a team of mutants in a world destroyed by nuclear war, pandemics, and climate change. You explore the world in real-time and search through the ruined landscape for scraps and resources which can help your settlement, but when you face enemies the game seamlessly switches to tactical turn-based mode. The game and story are based on the Swedish pen-and-paper RPG Mutant Year Zero.
Attacking the enemy head-on, like you can do in most turn-based tactical games, will not work well for you in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. Stealth and planning are the keys to mastering the game.
Because the world is filled with dangerous creatures, a frontal assault can quickly lead to your team getting slaughtered. Instead, you must sneak up on the enemy, take out isolated targets silently to thin out their group, and then set up a deadly ambush to defeat the rest.
You sneak around the enemy in real-time and then spring your lethal and well planned out trap at the right time and place, which starts the turn-based combat.
A very good tactic is to have some ambushing mutants placed in both good cover and in an elevated position, so they can shoot down on the enemy and increase their hit chances. Another crucial element is being able to take out key enemies quickly, like for example those who can summon reinforcements or knock down your own teammates. Choose the right abilities for your team (which you get through choosing mutations), so you can control the battlefield and keep the fight on your terms.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is all about planning your moves carefully. If you underestimate your enemy, you can quickly be overrun and see your team of mutants go down one after the other.
However, if you have utilized the tools of the game, like the stealth, the terrain, your mutations, and your gear, you will rain down critical hits plus timely roots and stuns, as the enemy tries to storm your well-defended position.
Your greatest challenge in the game may be to unlearn some of the lessons from other turn-based tactical games because if you don’t adapt and learn to evolve your tactics, your team of mutants will not last long in the merciless wasteland of our destroyed world.
We’ll have more to share about Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden here on Xbox Wire in the near future.
See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire
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