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Really awesome Raspberry Pi 4 X-ray radiographs

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

“I got my Pi in the post yesterday morning and I was desperately waiting until the end of the workday to get home and play with it! Took a few quick radiographs before I left because I had to.”

And we’re really happy that Reddit user xCP23x did. How cool are these?

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“I work for a company that makes microfocus X-ray/CT systems!” xCP23x explained in their Reddit post. “Most of the images are from a 225kV system (good down to 3 microns).”

They used a Nikon XT H 225 ST: 225kV 225W X-ray source for the majority of the images. You can learn more about how the images were produced via the comments on their Reddit user page.

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You can see the full Reddit post here, and more radiographs of the Raspberry Pi 4 here.

Website: LINK

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What do you think?

Written by Maria Richter

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