Apex Legends, Respawn’s new entry into the Battle Royale market, has gotten its hooks into many of us around PlayStation HQ. As such, we saw fit to collect a few tips from folks around the office to help aspiring Legends secure their first W. We also recognize that lots of you out there are far better at this game than we’ll probably ever be, so we took to Twitter to field advice from folks following
.Got any winning strategies to add to our list? We’ll keep checking back on
and adding more tips to this post, so keep ’em coming!“Use that R1 button! Apex almost feels like it can read your mind; pointing at something and pressing R1 will ping the object or location with useful context for your teammates.”
– Justin Massongill, PS Blog
“Want more time to scavenge better gear? Try dropping on the outskirts of the map far away, avoiding other players as you land. Loot the areas there as you move towards the next circle.”
– Tim Turi, PS Blog
“Following up on the first tip, your characters’ voice lines aren’t just there for fun — they’ll often speak up with useful info, like where the next circle is, even without pressing a button.”
– Justin Massongill, PS Blog
“Lifeline has one of the most valuable Ultimates in the game. The ability to call in supply drops can be your express ticket to high-tier armor and items. If you pick up Ultimate Accelerants, give them to your team’s Lifeline so that you can all benefit from more supply drops.”
– Tim Turi, PS Blog
“One of the most satisfying feelings in Apex Legends is starting a slide near the top of a hill and riding it alllllllll the way down. Try it!”
– Justin Massongill, PS Blog
Legends! What have been your most effective survival strategies in Apex Legends? Reply here and we might include your tips in an upcoming PS Blog post. pic.twitter.com/Y2fVxeptFE
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) February 19, 2019
Don’t gamble with drops, land somewhere that guarantees a enough loot to get going. Land on the outskirts of a town or on an unmarked location then worry about fighting others.
— Bdubz (@KokuTatsu) February 19, 2019
If there’s a lot of death boxes in a room, and you didn’t make them. You’re probably next.
— Stovenhousen (@FallenDreg) February 19, 2019
Communicate with your squad and test what weapons you are efficient with and PRACTICE.
— Herobrine5O (@KeithBuckendorf) February 19, 2019
Always stick together. 90% of failed runs is due to someone trying to be mister hot shot and going into lone wolf mode 🤜🤛
— Tomasz Niemiec (@GermanosPL) February 19, 2019
When you see two squads fighting, don’t intervene yet – wait for the fight to end, and when they loot the dead bodies then you can attack!
— Arthur Rohart 🔥 ⛈ Mr. 🚜 (@arthurrohart) February 19, 2019
– do not drop on the exact same spot with your mates, spread out a bit.
– don’t rush into the enemies when you’re not absolutely sure you can handle the situation.
- Werbung -– don’t get your team mates in danger just because you’re being egoistic.
– share ammo
– have fun 😁
— (っ◔◡◔)っ 🍒 Cherrylolo 🍒 (@Cherry_L0L0) February 20, 2019
Not a lot of players know this, but there is a supply ship you can land on in the air! It’s pretty much always empty and full of great loot.
— Kavan Cleary (@kavancleary) February 19, 2019
Mirage tip: send your decoy into enemy smoke and if they shoot it they will be pinged giving you an advantage.
— AJ Thompson (@AJT1776) February 20, 2019
Go to training mode and get familiar with some guns 💪🏽
— T.Q. (@SirQuaresma) February 20, 2019
Tips for beginners: do not and I repeat do not drop right away, look down and read where everyone is landing, see how many stayed on the ship and drop last far away from everyone get your looting going and soon as you have a half decent set up, just then go and get them Tiger! 🏆
— [🔴LIVE] CODE Clan: Apex Pro 🏆 (@CODEclanDewert) February 20, 2019
Try and combo your abilities with your team. For example Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher goes great with Bloodhounds Ultimate.
The enemy team wont see you, but the bloodhound will see them.
— Macbacon (@MacbaconZ) February 20, 2019
Holster weapon to not only run faster but slide faster, climb higher, fly further (from balloons).
— Dave Roberts (@DreadPirate_) February 20, 2019
Outnumbered and out gunned? Run.. Live to fight another day and revive your team mates when the enemies have passed
— TimmyTweetsAlot (@Timmytweetsalot) February 20, 2019
Use the climbing mechanic to your advantage, if you’re in a small town or near small housing, climb! Use the fast movements in apex to fight, most people expect you to just run around corners. Just limb up buildings, jump off of them, do everything you can to confuse the enemy
— Dwight K. Schrute (@Victorr301) February 20, 2019
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