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Rockstar Games Working To Fix RDR2 Blurring Issue On PS4 Pro

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

It seems that Rockstar Games are aware of HDR issues regarding Red Dead Redemption 2 and are working to fix them.

Rockstar Support have received many complaints regarding blurriness and lack of sharpness on the PlayStation 4 Pro version of Red Dead Redemption 2, and have responded to users with a statement in response.

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One user managed to get a response from Rockstar Support who told them in response “Yes, we are currently hard at work fixing a few of the issues the community is facing“.

This video depicts the blur effect, showing the game to be somewhat out of focus. It is only happening on PlayStation 4 Pro units, so we’ll have to see.

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Some other players have reported HDR issues across all platforms, particularly PlayStation – it appears Rockstar are aware of all of these and are working to fix them.

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We’ll update you as we learn more, but in the meantime it appears there is little that can be done until a fix is released. You can follow along with the discussion here.

Thanks to forum users.

Website: LINK

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Written by Thomas Schäfer

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