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3D animation goes virtual with Tvori

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Virtual reality has allowed creative professionals to do incredible things, but as VR matures, so do the tools available to help people achieve their best results. With new updates just launched, we reached out to the team behind 3D animation tool Tvori to get an update.

The answers below were provided by Viktor Komarovskikh, Dmitry Kurilchenko and Inga Petryaevskaya from Tvori. Questions by Nathan Ortega.

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<\\/div> <p><em><strong>Tell us a bit about the Tvori team.<\\/strong><\\/em><\\/p> <p>We’re a team of six people, and we also have a number of interns who work with us part-time. It’s quite a small team and there are lots of tasks, but there are advantages to having a small team. We try to work with maximum effectiveness; every team member is self-sufficient and works on a big piece of the pie. And this gives us a lot of inspiration and motivation, everyone is highly visible and influences the product development.<\\/p> <p>We are very focused on the development of the core functionality of <i>Tvori<\\/i> and polishing existing features. We pay a lot of attention to working with our early adopters, gathering feedback from our creators and figuring out\\/analyzing what they need most.<\\/p> <p>We want <i>Tvori<\\/i> to be intuitive and simple so that any person can start animating a story within several minutes after launching <i>Tvori<\\/i>. We continuously revise our UI and study user experience—we see lots of ways how we can further polish and simplify our existing UI. We want to have a solid on-boarding process and tutorials to support our creators in their workflows.<\\/p> <p><strong><em>What sort of background, development wise, did the team have before creating Tvori?<\\/em><\\/strong><\\/p> <p>Viktor and Dmitry had both worked on VR prior to starting <em>Tvori<\\/em>—creating games, products for agencies, winning at various competitions, and doing side-projects. Viktor [Komarovskikh—Founder, Product Development &amp; Design] came from the 3D industry and has years of experience with creation tools—modeling, sculpting, and animation—which gives him an insight into what creators need. Dmitry [Kurilchenko—Founder, Product Development &amp; Design] was developing products both in the position of designing and programming which gives him an insight into how to make the best experience using the technology at hand.<\\/p> <p>The rest of the team have software development, engineering, and mathematics backgrounds and are experienced in business and product development. And all of us are great believers in VR and VR creativity tools.<\\/p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10210" src="https:\\/\\/\\/wp-content\\/uploads\\/2018\\/09\\/3d-animation-goes-virtual-with-tvori.jpg" alt="Tvori" width="1000" height="562" \\/>\"}';

What inspired your team to create an immersive and powerful tool for crafting visual stories?

Back in 2012 with the new wave of VR, it became clear that VR would bring new opportunities in terms of how people work, communicate, and consume content.

Dmitry started experimenting with VR as soon as he got his hands on a VR headset—working on games and tinkering with ideas regarding collaboration, information visualization, and storytelling in VR; making prototypes and connecting with people from the emerging industry.

Viktor spent a number of years as a power user of 3DS Max, Maya, and other 3D creation software. He got to know all the limitations in regard to speed and design of those classical 3D tools, especially when it came to creating VR content using that kind of software, from testing the idea to the final result—the process was slow and painful.


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With the insight on what future VR creators might need and the understanding on how to make the best experience for them, Tvori was begun in January of 2016.

The dream was to create a very simple, clear but also powerful creation tool so that anyone of different ages and backgrounds could create a story in VR. Tvori should enable people to realize their fantasy and dreams in 3D, and allow them to share creations with friends, and followers.

Developing a creation tool within innovative new technology such as VR provides exciting new possibilities, but also new challenges. Were there any particular hurdles you encountered when beginning to develop Tvori?

We worked with one of the first Vive dev kits back in 2015 for a week and were super impressed by it. But while we started Tvori in 2016 we didn’t get our Vives until May, so before getting a real 6-DOF VR headset, we had to make our own using what we had at that time. We used Gear VR (mobile VR), paired through the network to a PC that had Razer Hydra 6-DOF controllers on—we used that setup for the first version of Tvori. Here’s a video where we use handmade mobile VR with 6-DOF controllers.

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<\\/div> <p>After getting our Vive devkits we made an integration in a matter of a few days. Here’s the first video of <i>Tvori<\\/i> running on Vive.<\\/p> <div id="smartideo">\"}';