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Sony: PS4 lifecycle may be shorter than PS3

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n an interview with TechRadarSony UK boss Fergal Gara hinted at a shorter PS4 lifecycle than the PS3.

According to him, this is probably „a sign of the times“ and „how much has changed in seven years“:

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„I think there’s reasons to believe that the next cycle might be shorter in markets such as the UK,“ he said.

„It’s probably a sign of the times and how much has changed in seven years, but I think the willingness and the appetite to pick up new technology fast has probably changed quite a bit.“

However, he added that it was too early to tell what the future will hold for the console:

„We’re going to have a much better feel for it once we’re a good few months in and we can see how the dynamics are emerging.“

But although initial uptake of the PS4 has been fierce, new contenders such on the horizon such as Valve promise to make this a very different generation to the last.

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„What we do know is that the uptake [of the PS4] is going to be very sharp,“ said Gara. „Does that mean this is going to be a much bigger cycle? Maybe. Or it might mean that it’s just a bit more compressed into the first few years, that the latter years are a little softer.“

The PS4 launches this weekend in Europe, Australia and Latin America.

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Written by blogdottv