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Turn your staircase into a flaircase with this LED system

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Turn your staircase into a flaircase with this LED system

Arduino TeamJanuary 22nd, 2021

If you live in a house with stairs and have to traipse up and down at night, it’s best to have some sort of light that guides you. Although a cell phone can work just fine, or you could likely activate bright overhead lighting, creator MagicManu devised an automatic and progressive solution to illuminate his path instead.

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MagicManu’s system knows when someone is there using PIR sensors arranged at both ends, and only activates if it’s dark enough thanks to a photoresistor. The entire setup is controlled by an Arduino Nano, while two potentiometers adjust light sensitivity and duration of ignition.

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As MagicManu walks up, a rainbow pattern emanates from the bottom to the top via addressable WS2812B LEDs, or vice versa if he’s descending.

Does this sound like a project you’d want to install in your home? Code and additional details are available in MagicManu’s write-up.

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Written by Quad Oner


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