Gaming connects us even in the most difficult of times. In a year that’s consistently thrown challenge and change our way, games told us new stories, enriched our lives, and brought us together across physical and social distances. Your actions in games showed the power of play and the imaginative feats we can accomplish together.
To honor the launch of the new Xbox generation, we invite you to celebrate this power of play with us. On November 10, we invite you, players of all identities and backgrounds, console generations and devices, skill sets and tastes, to celebrate, connect, and play together. We invite you to grab your device of choice and play alongside Team Xbox, your favorite creators, and our partners, right from your homes around the world. We invite you to take a glimpse behind-the-scenes of the next generation of games, hear the stories of people who make them, and play along with them. We invite you to tune in to our global livestream in celebration of play on November 10 at 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET on YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook Gaming.
Think of our livestream celebration as a companion to your gaming plans for the day. We’ll host “Let’s Play” segments with the creators, showcase special launch highlights from around the globe and harness the power of gaming to raise vital funds for great causes. This will be a moment of play, not press releases, as next generation consoles begin to land in the hands of players around the world. Instead of big announcements, we will mark the beginning of a new era by gaming alongside one another. We will take this moment to have some fun and look forward to having you join us.
November 10 marks a formative moment, the very beginning of the new generation of play.
You will be able to experience many of its benefits right away – like the incredible look and feel of movement at 120fps, faster load times, richer gaming libraries, the mobile reach of cloud gaming, and new unforgettable game experiences. As creators tap into the power of the new Xbox console generation over the next decade, you will see gaming shake free from its former limits. Unique custom-designed innovations will make Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S highly coveted this holiday season, and we are working hard with partners around the world to bring as many new consoles to as many players as possible over time.
With the goal of empowering everyone to join this new generation and experience the power of play everywhere on the planet, gaming with Xbox will transform throughout the next decade as our investments across content, console, cloud gaming and PC evolve in harmony – with each other and with what players want. For the gaming industry, there’s no better measure of success than more people playing, and more players discovering games they love.
I can’t wait to celebrate with you on November 10, and I’m looking forward to experiencing what we will all create through play. See you on Xbox soon.
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